A couple years ago my wife, who is an 8th grade US History teacher, came to me for help with a spreadsheet to simulate the US stock market leading up to the crash in 1929. The spreadsheet was cumbersome, very complicated for the students, and a major pain for her …
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Update 2024-04-10: This article has been updated with a better Workaround that uses your generated MyappWeb.Endpoint.start_link/1. The original article called directly into Phoenix.Endpoint.Supervisor which was more brittle. In Phoenix 1.7.11, the Endpoint.init/2 callback was deprecated. If you have defined it, then …
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A pretty common setup for front-end design work is to use Sass to compile .scss files into a single .css file. It's also pretty common to use a CSS Reset, such as normalize.css or sanitize.css, to reset your CSS to a common base. For that CSS Reset to …
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Postgres Full-Text Search With Django
Django has added support for Postgres's built-in full-text searching as of version 1.10. This is a great alternative to a heavier search system such as elasticsearch or SOLR, when we want decent search capabilities without having to setup and maintain another service. Postgres's full-text search is Good Enough for …
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When running Django's runserver management command in a Docker container or under a PyCharm run configuration (in Linux at least), I very often had issues with the process not getting killed in a timely manner. The symptom is that the process doesn't die immediately after it receives a SIGTERM or …
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A Phoenix Plug for assigning template variables
Here's a quick Plug for a Phoenix project that allows you to quickly and easily set template variables (assigns) in either a Pipeline or for all actions in a controller. I used this recently as a way to set a variable, admin: true, for all of my controllers under an …
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A few notes on Bourbon, Neat, Bitters, Refills
When I decided to port this blog to be statically generated, I also decided to redesign it from the ground up. Since I had recently learned about Bourbon Neat, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to try it out. These are just a few thoughts on the process …
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I’m happy to finally announce the release of my little pet-project, AnswerCast, an app that helps you play question-and-answer board games with your friends.
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A class to allow you to set arbitrary anchor points on any sprite with little overhead.
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Using matrices and matrix math to apply transformations such as translate, rotate, scale and skew when programming graphics.
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Optimizing a basic Bezier curve class for better performance by selectively reducing point counts while maintaining high quality, smooth curves.
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I recently started using Sublime Text 2 to edit the Lua project I'm working on, however, it did a couple strange things with indenting. Here is how I fixed them.
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